Studio Ponoc Releases Main Trailer and Cast for The Imaginary Anime Film: Studio Ponoc, the renowned animation studio based in Japan, has recently released the main trailer for their highly anticipated imaginary anime film. The trailer has left fans in awe with its stunning visuals and captivating storytelling. Set in a world where imagination knows no bounds, the film follows the adventures of a young girl who discovers a magical book that brings all her daydreams to life.
The trailer offers a glimpse into the breathtaking animation that Studio Ponoc is known for. Every frame is meticulously crafted, showcasing the attention to detail that their talented team of animators brings to the table. From fantastical creatures to mesmerizing landscapes, the world of the film is brought to life in vivid and vibrant colors, immersing viewers in a visually stunning experience.
In addition to the release of the main trailer, Studio Ponoc has also unveiled the star-studded cast that will be lending their voices to the film’s characters. The cast is a perfect blend of renowned voice actors and promising newcomers, all poised to bring their unique talents to breathe life into their respective roles. With their exceptional vocal performances, they are sure to add depth and nuance to the characters’ personalities, making them even more relatable and endearing.
Studio Ponoc’s ability to create unforgettable stories and captivating animation has made them one of the most revered animation studios in the industry. Their latest project promises to be no exception, as fans eagerly await its release. With its imaginative plot, awe-inspiring visuals, and an exceptional cast bringing the characters to life, this film is set to capture the hearts of audiences worldwide.
The Imaginary anime film reveals main trailer and cast
Studio Ponoc recently released the main trailer for their highly anticipated anime film adaptation of A.F. Harrold and Emily Gravett’s novel, “The Imaginary.” The film, which is set to be released on December 15, 2023, has generated a lot of excitement among fans. In addition to the trailer, Studio Ponoc also revealed the main cast for the film.
Here is a breakdown of the main cast members for “The Imaginary” anime film:
- Kokoro Terada as Rudger: Terada will be voicing the main character, Rudger, who is Amanda Shuffleup’s imaginary friend. When he is hunted by the evil Mr. Bunting, Rudger must find Amanda before it’s too late.
- Rio Suzuki as Amanda: Suzuki will lend her voice to Amanda, the young girl who can see Rudger until Mr. Bunting arrives at her doorstep. Amanda plays a crucial role in helping Rudger navigate the real world.
- Sakura Ando as Lizzie: Ando takes on the role of Lizzie, a character crucial to the plot of the film. Lizzie’s role in the story adds depth and intrigue to the narrative.
- Riisa Naka as Emily: Naka will be voicing Emily, a character who plays an integral part in Rudger’s journey. Her performance will bring out the emotions and complexities of Emily’s character.
- Atsuko Takahata as Granny Downbeat: Takahata lends her voice to Granny Downbeat, a character that adds a touch of wisdom and guidance to Rudger’s adventure.
- Issey Ogata as Mr. Bunting: Ogata takes on the role of the formidable Mr. Bunting, the antagonist of the story. With his captivating performance, Ogata promises to bring Mr. Bunting to life and make him an unforgettable character.
Studio Ponoc has also hinted at more announcements to come, including the reveal of the English voice cast. Fans can expect further updates in the near future.
The release of the main trailer confirms that “The Imaginary” anime film is on track for its December 15 release date. The film was initially delayed due to production challenges and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, with the trailer’s release, fans can look forward to finally experiencing this highly anticipated adaptation.
While the film will initially be released in Japanese theaters, international releases are expected in 2024. This means that fans around the world will soon have the opportunity to enjoy this captivating and imaginative story.
“The Imaginary” anime film promises to be a visual and emotional treat for fans of the novel. Directed by Yoshiyuki Momose at Studio Ponoc, with Yoshiaki Nishimura producing, the film is set to showcase cutting-edge animation techniques and bring Harrold and Gravett’s beloved characters to life on the big screen.
With the combination of an intriguing story, talented voice cast, and stunning animation, “The Imaginary” anime film is shaping up to be a must-watch for anime enthusiasts and fans of the original novel alike. December 15 can’t come soon enough!
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